Who We Are

The L.A.B. is an organization that challenges and supports individuals to go on an internal journey, in order to discover the root of their situations. Identifying the root allows for targeted healing and puts them on a path to obtaining a healthier mental state of being.

The L.A.B. seeks to empower by providing opportunities for education, self-reflection, and self-evaluation. The services and programming challenge clients to see beyond who they are conditioned to be while finding their purpose and ultimately unlocking their power.

Our Journey from Despondency to Purpose

Live Achieve Believe Inc. (LAB) is a non-profit, 501c3 corporation, where assistance is offered in the odyssey of self-development. It is the study of oneself that is the essence of the remedy of understanding oneself, which is where true healing is realized.

It is the experimentation of the practice of different core principles evoking habits like honesty, integrity, pro-activity, prioritizing, active listening skills with the intent to understand preceding speaking to be understood, empathizing, the encouragement of yourself and of others, ultimately becoming interdependent. Just as Goethe said, “Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.” Building on these principles, allows for the success with oneself which is necessary if the desired goal is contentment and to achieve success in all areas of life.